Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here is my blog.

For a long time I didn't know what a blog was. A few years ago I started seeing my photographer friends with blogs, but never created my own. Here I am now, behind the times but interested to see where this will all go.

I guess I will start with an overview of the past few years of my photographic endeavors. After doing horribly in the 2009 print competition I felt compelled to do something about it. I gave myself a few self assignments to create photographs of the visions that bounce around in my head. While hiking in the outskirts of a small town called Ophir Utah, my friend Tom and I found a mining support building that was mostly abandoned. There I photographed a dusty dirty old lamp and loved creating images in that environment. I decided then to come back with a beautiful model. The idea was to capture a contrast of beauty against a filthy environment. I found a model named Tracy who was willing to work in trade for rights to the images I create. We made some amazing images that day. At the same time I began meeting with a small group of Utah's best up and coming photographers. We would show each other our images and critique each others work. The results of meeting with this group called Image Seekers brought my work to a new level. The image of the lamp, the image of Tracy, and two other images combined to win an award I never dreamed of winning. In April of 2010 I won Photographer of the Year at the Intermountain Professional Photographers Annual Convention. Past recipients of this award include Don Busath, Dave Newman and Big Daddy himself- Don Blair. I will make my first images on this blog the winning images from 2010.



  1. Whoa is me!! I'm reduced to two other images.
    Now who's going to know who the guy is with the funny looking hair?

  2. That's me (Devin) Dennis O'Donnell looking through the dirty window.

  3. Dennis O'Donnell. That man is my favorite male model ever. I should have told that story too! Last year coming home from Las Vegas we drove through Eureka. I loved the old shops on the main strip. Dennis has a unique look and I knew he would be great in front of those shops. We drove down there and had a lot of fun creating some amazing, impactful images. I look forward to my next shoot with Dennis.

  4. Hi Uncle Kent! I have been hoping for a while that you would start a blog. I love looking at your photographs!
